Whole Health for a Whole Life | LifeScape

RestoreU METHOD for Memory Loss

Written by lifescapepremier | Jan 4, 2020 9:16:52 PM

As an innovative and wellness-minded practice focused on prevention, LifeScape - in conjunction with Sonora Quest Labs - is excited to offer an incredibly advanced personalized medicine tool to assess multiple factors contributing to mood and cognitive impairment, including memory loss. LifeScape Premier is now offering patients the Restore uMethod for personalized cognitive impairment treatment to help prevent cognitive decline, improve function, and maintain independence.

5.7 million U.S. adults have Alzheimer's disease, and many more have early signs of decline. LifeScape Premier is one of the few medical offices to offer the RestoreU METHOD of testing and care plan development for patients to help identify and address causes of cognitive decline.

The RestoreU METHOD is designed to address the active underlying pathways of cognitive impairment including metabolic issues, stress, insulin resistance, toxicity, inflammation, and mitochondrial damage. 

The process requires a fasting blood draw (13 tubes will be taken) plus a thorough review of medical history. All this information is then transformed into a personalized care plan using the latest algorithms and technology within 3-4 weeks.

Your LifeScape Provider and dedicated uMethod health coach will review together with you the personalized care plan, as well as provide support to follow your care plan. 

In recent clinical results, 76% of patients on the Restore uMethod saw their cognitive function improve or hold steady.

For more information about RestoreU METHOD, visit https://umethod.com/memory-loss/.


Get Your Personalized Care Plan

If you have mild cognitive impairment, mild dementia, or mild Alzheimer’s disease, you could be a candidate for RestoreU METHOD. Contact the LifeScape experts today to learn more.