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Tips for Achieving Your New Year's Fitness Resolution

Written by lifescapepremier | Dec 28, 2018 2:00:00 PM

It is time of year where we put a lot of pressure on ourselves. We start crafting proud, exciting goals for the New Year with good intentions of tackling them head on. Instead, we usually end up becoming burned out or disappointed because the results we imagined are not instantaneous. However, there is an effective way to get your body into gear without losing your mind along the way.

All you need is a little patience and a perspective adjustment. What about actually enjoying the process of getting yourself into shape? Here's what I recommend.

New Year's Tips for Hitting Your Goals and Avoiding Burnout

Be Realistic

A big problem with New Year's resolutions is, more often than not, they are extremely impractical. Setting goals is a fantastic idea, however make sure they are realistic and honestly achievable.

For example, a goal to lose a healthy 10 pounds by April is both reasonable and achievable. So is a goal to complete a 5K run by May 1st. On the other hand, a goal to complete a full marathon by May 1st is unlikely and unsafe for new runners.

If you were to build a house, you would start off slow and develop a solid, safe foundation. Then you would build upon that. Getting into shape is a similar mindset. You have to walk before you can run. And that's okay! Walking is really good for you.

Take It Easy

Think of your resolution as a lifelong commitment to a healthier lifestyle. You are more likely to be successful if you take it easy at the beginning. For instance, don't start exercising for hours every single day. You’ll become exhausted and possibly end up with an injury.

You might see people at the gym exercising at a very high intensity, but you should start with low-to-moderate intensity workouts. You may even know people who train five - six days a week, but it's fine to start with three. Don’t let them pressure you into doing what they do, especially at the beginning.

The Buddy System

Find yourself a workout buddy! With a buddy it's more fun, and you're going to do it more often. Plus, you will stick with it longer due to someone else holding you accountable.

Having accountability and consistency will get you the results you are looking for in the end.

Another benefit is that your buddy is counting on you to keep them in line and stay on track with them. The challenge of helping to keep someone else in line is worth it. An exercise partner provides you with a support system, a positive social experience and inspiration. There will be times when you don't feel like working out and a partner can be that motivation you need to get going.

Get a Personal Trainer

If you're struggling to find a buddy or to keep yourself on track, having a personal trainer can really make a difference. They will be able to build a plan around your specific goals and health needs and keep you on the right path.

So, get out there and make those New Year's resolutions happen! Use these tips to help you stay the course, change your body, and avoid getting burned out.