Whole Health for a Whole Life | LifeScape

How to Reach Your Fitness Goals Using a Personal Trainer

Written by lifescapepremier | Feb 7, 2020 10:00:00 PM

Each year, millions of people set fitness resolutions...and by January 17th majority of them have already waved goodbye to them. That means (being that we’re in February now) many of you reading this article may find yourself in this situation: Your resolutions are long gone and old (unhealthy) habits have come back.

There is a way to keep your fitness resolutions

One of the main reasons resolutions can fail is because of the way we set them. Most resolutions start with “I’m going to stop doing…” Setting a resolution this way can often feel like you’re depriving yourself of something you want, deserve or even think that you need. For example, your resolution might be “I’m going to stop eating candy” or “stop watching so much TV”.

You can make it easier to accomplish your resolution by setting it in a way that grows and expands with you personally or professionally. And no, it’s not too late to set a nice, fresh resolution for 2019!

So if you started the year out trying to ‘stop’ doing something, let’s flip it around. Here are some ideas:

I’m going to start…taking an evening walk with my partner

I’m going to start...eating more cruciferous veggies

I’m going to start...adding 15 jumping jacks to my morning routine

Now, with your new resolution in mind and a commitment to yourself to improve your fitness and overall health this year, let’s talk about a support system.

Your fitness support system

Your support system should include people who are rooting for you to win. People who want to help you reach your goals. And few people will want this more for you than your dedicated, educated and experienced personal trainer.

If you’re struggling to keep up with your healthy habits or meet your goals, a personal trainer could be exactly what you need.

Many people use personal trainers as a way to keep themselves on track, learn how to do workouts properly, and have someone to check in with (accountability is key!).

An intimate personal training experience

Even though you may be open to the idea, we know that huge gyms with countless trainers and dozens of programs can be a little intimidating, especially if you’re new to working out.

That’s why we’ve partnered with Jodi Stokes Fitness at LifeScape!

By using a personal trainer with us, you’d have access to the same knowledge, equipment, and skill of any other gym trainer but without the crowds, competition, and fast-pace. Jodi specializes in tailoring your workout to your specific needs. It’s not about bulking up - it’s about becoming healthy, fit, and strong in your body and mind.

What to Expect During a Workout With Jodi Stokes, LifeScape’s Fitness Expert

Jodi has over 30+ years of experience in fitness training and makes it her goal is change your view on fitness, so that it becomes a part of who you are and your lifestyle. She strongly believes that exercise is a privilege not a chore and if you practice healthy habits and learn to have fun with it, your goals can and will come to fruition.

So, what actually happens when you work out with a personal trainer at LifeScape? Here are the basics.

Getting Started with LifeScape’s Fitness Expert

When you train with Jodi, she will:

  1. Establish an exercise routine that’s tailored for you and help you set realistic goals.

  2. Educate you on fitness exercises, techniques, and how to stay healthy.

  3. Show you how to maintain proper form and avoid injury (Jodi can also modify exercises to avoid old injury flare ups).

  4. Create a healthy and safe atmosphere for you to workout in.

  5. Provide access to weights, medicine balls, TRX bands, Bosu balls, resistance bands, and more all at LifeScape.

Jodi Stokes Fitness offers 8 week training courses which will be specialized to meet your goals.

Using a personal trainer is a great step towards getting back to your fitness New Year’s resolutions.

It’s only the second month of the year, so don’t give up yet! Give personal training a try and see how much it can help you to stay focused, stay consistent, and become the fit and healthy person you have always meant to be.

Are you ready to get back on the wagon and knock your fitness goals out of the park? Do you think a personal trainer sounds right for you? Then Click to Book a Complimentary Consultation with Lifescape Premier today!

