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Age Confidently and Gracefully with a Family Doctor who Cares

family doctor who cares


As we go through life, we experience moments and changes that are new to us as individuals. These changes can be intimidating, challenging and even scary if we’re experiencing them alone. 

But you don’t have to be alone as you go through life. You can partner with a family doctor who truly knows you, empowering you to embrace the changes of life and age with joy and confidence. 

In addition, when given the care and treatment you deserve, you could potentially even lower your biological age and increase your lifespan.

Lifescape members enjoy premium primary care services from exceptional providers accountable to them, not constricted by a health plan. Our members are empowered by our physicians with the education, resources and support they need to have better health and vitality, thriving well into their later years of life.

Don’t Navigate Life’s Milestones Alone

Partnering with a Lifescape family doctor for the duration of your life can provide numerous, long-lasting benefits. Our physicians support you in celebrating your health milestones and understanding the changes of your body over time, so that you can age confidently. 

With each visit, your provider gains a better sense of your unique values and preferences, as well as the complexities around your treatment plans and social situations. 

“As family physicians who partner with our patients for nearly the entirety of their lives. We have the opportunity to help them navigate through all of their significant health milestones,” shared Dr. Wilder, “which can be incredibly reassuring to them.”

This means that you won’t have to rely solely on yourself to navigate charts, files, and results, being sent electronically from doctor to doctor, risking valuable information being lost, misunderstood or overlooked.

Your doctor will gain important insight over time, adding to their existing knowledge and gaining a better overall understanding of your health and YOU as a whole person.

A 36-Day Wait

New research shows that the average wait time to get into a provider in the US is 36 days. 

Can you imagine if you were dealing with an unknown or emergency situation, and you needed to wait over a month to get in to see your physician? 

Those without access to a concierge family doctor can experience frustratingly long wait times, delays in treatment, and difficulty accessing their provider which can take a negative toll on their overall health over time. And unfortunately, this is what we’ve come to expect and accept with our healthcare system.

But, it doesn’t need to be that way - you deserve better.

It is our promise to our concierge members that you will never wait this long to access your LifeScape provider, and you will never feel alone in your health care journey.

It’s Like Having a Doctor in the Family

Lifescape understands that life is unexpected and medical emergencies and situations don’t always occur during standard business hours. 

Lifescape members can enjoy total peace of mind knowing that they have 24/7 access to their doctor and health coordinator, whether by phone call, text, or email. 

“It can be difficult to choose a physician for your family. I look at it in terms of: I want someone who will be responsive, accessible and willing to discuss and collaborate with me on the ideas that are likely to work or not work with me,” shared Dr. Wilder. “And, I want this for my kids as well, finding someone who will work with them. It was wonderful for my kids to have a concierge physician that they could text directly to get their questions answered.”

Nutrition and Aging Gracefully

Achieving optimal health truly starts from within, often with what we put into our bodies. 

Our Lifescape members benefit from nutritional interventions and guidance provided by our Functional Dietitian in collaboration with their provider that allow them to nourish their bodies in a way that can slow down the biological aging progress. This includes preventive diagnostic testing, dietary support, and supportive supplements if needed. 

Non-members may face a broken medical system including pill-for-an-ill care that leaves them over-medicated and under-well. Our Lifescape providers go well beyond resolution through hit-and-run medication, and instead investigate and resolve the root causes of illness.

Collaborative Partnerships for Whole Health Care

With traditional providers, you may find certain elements of your care being referred out to other providers, which can make navigating your care over time even more challenging. 

At Lifescape we value a comprehensive approach and a collaborative partnership with your whole health-focused team to ensure open communication and joint efforts to empower you to age with grace. 

Join LifeScape Concierge Care 

It’s no wonder so many of our members live healthy, long and satisfying lives. 

With Concierge Care at LifeScape, we treat you as a whole person. Our functional and integrative approach takes into consideration your history, genetic risks, and lifestyle, to get to the roots of your conditions and solve them in a holistic way. In addition to the benefits outlined above, our members also have access to resources such as:

  • Proactive, transformative care designed for the totality of YOU
  • Uninterrupted, one-on-one quality time with your doctor, every visit
  • High-tech, customized testing
  • Loyalty to you, not your healthcare insurance
  • Convenient office hours and patient-centered services
  • A comfortable and stunning spa-like office setting
  • Telemedicine visits

Our comprehensive suite of medical services, including telemedicine visits, is offered by the best doctors in Arizona and unparalleled staff. Achieve peace of mind in your health, with a true partner in your care.


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