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Posted on / Dana Bosselmann, MA, RDN, IFNCP

LifeScape's Whole Kitchen Cookbook

Our team created LifeScape's Whole Kitchen Cookbook as a way to lead our community in embracing the joys of at-home cooking, bringing members' most cherished recipes together in one place.

"Each meal we prepare is an opportunity to explore nature's bounty and step out of our standard fare to experiment with new ingredients and combinations of foods," shared Dana Bosselmann, in the cookbook's forward.

This collection features family favorites from LifeScape providers, team members and patients, including special, personalized notes from many of the recipe contributors.

Want to try a recipe but interested in healthier ingredient alternatives? Refer to Dana's recommendations at the end of the cookbook.

Fill out the form below to get your free copy!

Recipes, Nutrition & Diet

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