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Breast Cancer Prevention: Early Detection, Environmental & Genetic Risk Factors & AI

It is important to note that most breast cancers are believed to be sporadic, meaning they arise from a complex interplay of genetics and environmental conditions. 

I will review some of the...

Personal Safety…from an Abduction Survivor

I was only nine, playing on a safe playground on my beautiful school campus while my parents played tennis nearby. A clean-cut, very polite young man, claiming to be a magazine photographer used...

Inflammaging: Inflammation & Aging

Inflammaging is a term used to describe aging induced by chronic inflammation. 

Simple Changes for Clear Skin

Our skin isn't just our body's largest organ; it's also our most visible one. And, in a world where first impressions often count, clear skincan help boost our confidence and self-esteem.

PRP Treatments: Benefits, Uses & How it Works

Platelet Rich Plasma is an incredible treatment that uses your own healing ability to stimulate what your body needs in that specific treatment area. Most everyone is a candidate for PRP treatments,...

Daily Exercise: Let’s Get Moving!

For many of us, finding time to squeeze in a weekly workout can feel impossible - so the idea of daily exercise may be too much to fathom. But daily movement doesn’t have to be hard and we don’t need...

Keeping Our Cool (In a Heating World)

No doubt this blistering record-breaking summer world-wide is an uncomfortable harbinger of years to come. Although fluctuations will occur from season to season and year to year, the trend is...

LifeScape Celebrates 20 Years of Inspiring Brilliant Health Breakthroughs

This year, LifeScape Premier celebrates 20 years of inspiring health. Founder and CEO of LifeScape, Dr. Susan Wilder, MD, attributes much of the success of her patients and practice to the...

Wake Your Skin From the Dead by Microneedling with PRP

You may have heard about this innovative facial when Kim Kardashian famously received one on TV a few years ago, but how much do you really know about it? Despite looking a bit scary (and it...

[Supplement Guide] Best Supplements for a Healthy Gut, Heart & Mind

When you Google “supplements” or “what supplements should I take”, you’ll find countless resources that tell you how to live your life (696 million results to be exact). Some articles recommend you...