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How a personal trainer can help you reach your fitness goals

Each year, millions set fitness resolutions. By mid-January, many abandon them. If you're in this boat, a personal trainer can help you get back on track and achieve your fitness goals.

Daily Exercise: Let’s Get Moving!

For many of us, finding time to squeeze in a weekly workout can feel impossible - so the idea of daily exercise may be too much to fathom. But daily movement doesn’t have to be hard and we don’t need...

The Benefits of Outdoor Activity

Physical activity is important for maintaining good health and well-being. It has been shown to improve cardiovascular health, decrease the risk of chronic diseases, and enhance mental health. While...

Arizona Outdoors: Best Ways to Get Active Outside

Staying active and getting exercise doesn’t have to feel like a chore. We’ve created a list of the best ways to get active outside in the beautiful state of Arizona!

Incorporating just 30 minutes of...

The Benefits of Exercise from Val Ziske, FNP

We all know that exercise is good for us. But, do you truly know the amazing benefits it provides to your body?

From physical gains to improved cognitive function, incorporating just 30 minutes of...

Unleashing Vibrant Health

Nothing inspires us more than your brilliant health breakthroughs.

While witnessing the aftermath of poor choices is devastating. As Dr. David Park, Intensive Care Specialist, said, “the trauma ICU...

Micro-steps to Vibrant Health

Teaching, like parenting, is humbling, exhausting, yet intensely rewarding. Blessed with profound purpose yet overburdened and chronically stressed. The more stress we bear, the more critical our...

Cultivating a Healthy and Active Family Culture

Over the past couple of years, we have seen a multitude of research, articles, and news segments regarding the mental and physical effects of chronic stress, isolation, and decreased physical...

Fitness & Wellness Are Always In Style, Especially in a Digital World

LifeScape contributed to the following for MASK's Winter 2020 Magazine, The Digital Etiquette Issue. To learn more about MASK and their mission to engage and educate parents, children and the...

6 Health Strategies for a Healthier Nation

Did you know that the US is ranked as the 35th healthiest nation? We are the only wealthy nation to see life expectancy decline (for 3 consecutive years!). We also boast the highest rates of years...