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5 Incredible Cancer Fighting Foods to Add to Your Plate

When it comes to preventing cancer (or fighting it) most of us are willing to do anything. Living a long and healthy life is the goal, right? Not to mention, if you can prevent getting cancer in the...

6 Tips on Work Life Balance from a Mother of 9

No matter what your job is, maintaining a work life balance can be a real juggling act. Kids, no kids, romantic partner, or an adorable pug dog-baby, trying to find the right mix of time and energy...

4 Fitness Tips for the Holiday Season

The weather is cooling down, but the stoves are heating up for the holiday season. And we know with the holidays comes sugar overload and good eats. From now until the night of the New Year’s...

How to Finally Have That Lean and Toned Summer Body

The anxiousness of having that bathing suit body, summer body, or even a wedding dress body is completely natural and understandable. However, these “bods” will only come in time with consistency and...

Improve Brain Health with LifeScape’s Healthy Brain Initiative

Our brains do everything for us. In fact, it is arguably the most important organ in the human body. It controls our body movements, our reactions, allows us to think and feel. It’s highly complex...

Health Trends That Actually Work

There is no diet that exists that is perfect for everyone. Some health trends work great for weight loss or blood sugar, but don’t hold up in longevity research, cancer prevention, or brain health....

Scottsdale Fitness Center to Jumpstart Your Health Journey

Summer time is when a lot of us start to realize we might need to kick up our health game. It’s the season of minimal clothing, barbecues, and pool parties. Who doesn’t want to look and feel their...

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: How LifeScape Premier Can Help

Living with a chronic condition is not easy. You are never sure when it might flare up or when it might mean canceling your plans for the day. It is inconvenient, exhausting, and frustrating. One of...

Stop Hair Loss: Tips for Prevention and Treatment

Experiencing hair loss is not fun - for anyone. It can feel embarrassing, disheartening, and confusing all at the same time. However, we have good news. Losing hair can be prevented - and even...

Brilliant Health Breakthroughs Giveaway

Life can be incredibly tough at times. Sometimes, it can take a little support to get the emotional or mental fuel you need to find direction and meaning in challenging moments.